Community Quarantine Creations V.2

Howdy Folks, welcome back for another Community Quarantine Creation Blog post! Remember anybody can join the blog by submitting art, recipes, photographs, etc. to: !!!



So you can listen and scroll:  


Starting the blog with some words and art by Walter Coker:

"I've had an obsession with beach flotsam and jetsam for as long as I can remember, and it has only gotten more serious/ridiculous in the last few years while living closer to the ocean in Crescent Beach. I've occasionally given thought to doing assemblage art with some of it, but never pursued it until I was afforded so much idle time due to the recent lockdown/quarantine. "Covid Critter' is the end result of my first attempt. The crazy look in its eyes wasn't intentional, but probably pretty indicative of how many of us are feeling after so many days of isolation and no surf.

The only part that wasn't found on the beach is the red paint on its eyes and the epoxy glue used to assemble it."

List of components: 

saw palmetto root (body)
gray nickernut sea beans (eyes)
blue crab shell (teeth)
horseshoe crab tail (tail)
kapok tree thorn (dorsal)
miscellaneous driftwood/bamboo (legs, antenna)





Next is another rad Grinch creation, The Driveway Sessions. All of the homies sending in some clips of them ripping around out front or at their local park. RAD! :

 Below is Rich D'onofrio's known character "Sidekick" going through the Corona Motions.



Next we have Ruby Judge and the very creative masks she has whipped up during her quarantine downtime:



Below is a few rad pieces by Bailey Pemberton:

Next is another epic episode by Mike Workforavocados. Bombing some sneaky hills in NE FL:

 Next we have the first of many OCLU surf edits:


And our own Kay Zap feeling out her creative mojo with this family portrait painting 


Thanks to the artists and creators who sent in content! If you or a friend would like to be featured in the next Volume of Community Quarantine Creations, send your creations to

Sending positivity to all of those out there working to help keep each other happy, healthy, sane and moving forward during these weird times. 

Cheers to you and yours!

-Alec and Kayla Z and the rest of the WSMS Team

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